Stelmach, Harlan, PhD

Professor Emeritus

Personal profile


Harlan Stelmach's graduate work in the field of ethics began at Harvard University where he received his masters degree. He completed his doctoral work at the Graduate Theological Union in 1977 in an interdisciplinary program in ethics and social science. A post-doctoral visiting scholar stay at the Haas School of Business in Berkeley contributed to one of his specialties in business ethics. He was the director of the Center for Ethics and Social Policy in Berkeley for five years. He teaches courses in moral philosophy, social science, religion and Big History.
Dr. Stelmach joined the faculty of Dominican in 1997. He is past president of the Board of the Marin Interfaith Council, co-founder and board member for The Center for the Common Good. Dr. Stelmach is married to Madelyn, a retired physical therapist. They have two grown children, Amy and Megan, and five grandchildren. In his limited spare time he enjoys photography, history of regional architecture, garden "sculptures" and sports memorabilia.

Contact Information

Dominican University of California
50 Acacia Ave.
San Rafael, CA 94901

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Education/Academic qualification

Walter Haas School of Business, Post Doctoral Study, University of California, Berkeley


Religion and Society, Ph.D., Graduate Theological Union and San Francisco Theological Seminary


Joint program with the University of Geneva and the World Council of Churches on the "Future of the Ministry.", Certificate, Graduate School of Ecumenical Studies, Ecumenical Institute; Bossey, Switzerland


The Divinity School, M.T.S., Harvard University


International Affairs and Latin American Studies, B.A., Whittier College


Research Interests

  • Evolutionary theories in the study of religion
  • Protestant mission history in Latin America
  • The future of the Humanities in professionally-oriented higher education
  • Religion and public life
  • Social ethics and religion
  • Business Ethics
  • Moral Philosophy


  • Philosophy
  • Ethics and Political Philosophy
  • Religion
  • Bioethics and Medical Ethics