Fink, Margaret, EdD, RN


    Personal profile


    Dr. Fink has been an RN for 30 years working in a variety of adult care settings. She completed her Ed.D at the University of San Francisco, her master’s degree at San Francisco State University, and her bachelor of science in nursing at Dominican University where she now teaches. She has taught at Dominican University for the past 19 years. Her most recent passion is in working with internationally educated nurses and she has been directing the University’s IEN Program for 3-1/2 years. She is constantly learning from the IENs and making modifications for Program improvement.

    Contact Information

    Dominican University of California
    50 Acacia Ave.
    San Rafael, CA 94901

    Related documents

    Education/Academic qualification

    Department of Learning and Instruction, EdD, University of San Francisco


    Nursing, Case management and long-term care, MS, San Francisco State University


    Nursing, BS, Dominican College of San Rafael


    External positions

    Adjunct clinical instructor, Samuel Merritt University

    Research Interests

    • Faculty & Skills Lab
    • Oncology
    • Postoperative Care and Labor/Delivery


    • Nursing