Addressing the State of the Union: The Evolution And Impact of the Presidents's Big Speech

Donna Hoffman, Alison Howard

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    The State of the Union is no ordinary speech on at least two accounts: it is a fundamental statement of how a president approaches current policy debates, and it is the one presidential address that US citizens are most likely to hear each year. Donna Hoffman and Alison Howard document the political significance and legislative impact, or often, lack of impact, of this most visible of presidential communications. Exploring how and why the State of the Union address came to be a key tool in the exercise of presidential power, the authors outline the ways presidents use it to gain attention, to communicate with target audiences, and to make specific policy proposals. Their richly textured analysis offers a penetrating look at the complex relationship between contemporary presidential leadership and Congressional lawmaking.
    Original languageAmerican English
    PublisherLynne Rienner Pub
    Number of pages213
    ISBN (Print)978-1588264510
    StatePublished - Jul 30 2006


    • Presidents
    • Speech Writing
    • Political Oratory


    • American Politics

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