Does therapeutic horseback riding decrease balance deficits in community-dwelling older adults?

Salwa Yaser, Lisa Mrsny, Krystin Beeman, Skyler Moon, Kitsum Li

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Hippotherapy and therapeutic riding (TR) provide pleasurable activity and physical exercise to individuals and yet limited study is available on its therapeutic value to improve balance in older adults. In this study, the researchers measured the benefit of TR on balance and quality of life in communitydwelling older adults. A convenience sample of individuals 65 years and older was recruited from a local community. The study is a single-blind, pretest-posttest, controlled study of a 10-session TR program with a Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH) trained and certified TR instructor. Each TR session included grooming and tacking, mounting, a warm-up exercise on the horse, riding, and dismounting. The results of this study showed a significant improvement in balance scores as well as participant perception of overall health after the intervention period. Therefore, this study illustrated the practicality, safety, and benefit on improvement of balance in community-dwelling older adults from a short-term TR program. However, the small sample size prevented the data from being conclusive. Larger scale studies should be conducted to clinically prove the benefit of therapeutic riding for older adults.

Therapeutic riding has the potential to improve balance and increase quality of life in older adults. Connecting the results from this study to the larger issue of fall prevention may provide evidence to include hippotherapy or TR in occupational therapy for older adults with balance deficits.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalAmerican Occupational Therapy Association, Evidence-Based Practice Project
StatePublished - 2015


  • therapeutic riding
  • hippotherapy


  • Occupational Therapy

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