
Size: 6.5 inches x 9 inches

Medium: watercolor on paper

Created for the Presidio Trails Exhibition at the San Francisco Main Library. Each trail series are hand bound into an accordion fold book. There are six books total.

"With distinctive habitats from shaded forests to serpentine grasslands, it’s easy to understand why this pathway is called the Ecology Trail. The route lies within the Presidio’s largest watershed, Tennessee Hollow, and connects the Arguello Gate and Inspiration Point to the historic Main Post. A variety of California native plants can be seen here, from the endangered Presidio Clarkia, which supports pink blooms in spring, to majestic oaks and redwood trees. A spur trail connects to El Polín Spring, an “outdoor classroom” known for history, birdwatching, and a terrific new picnic area." From the The Presidio website

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
StatePublished - Jan 1 2014

Publication series

NameGallery Exhibition | Presidio Trails: Overlapping and Unfolding Narratives by Lynn Sondag

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