Size: 6.5 inches x 9 inches
Medium: watercolor on paper
Created for the Presidio Trails Exhibition at the San Francisco Main Library. Each trail series are hand bound into an accordion fold book. There are six books total.
"Discover San Francisco’s last free-flowing stream on the Lobos Creek Valley Trail. Follow a boardwalk as it meanders through a rare restored dune habitat adjacent to the Presidio’s main water source. Because of the unique geography of the area, there are several rare species native to the Presidio found here including the San Francisco Wallflower and San Francisco Lessingia. The flora and fauna of Lobos Creek Valley attracted famous American photographer and environmentalist Ansel Adams, who grew up nearby and often explored the valley. The valley is also a terrific place to spot birds and butterflies, drawn to the native blossoms." From the The Presidio website
Original language | Undefined/Unknown |
State | Published - Jan 1 2014 |
Publication series
Name | Gallery Exhibition | Presidio Trails: Overlapping and Unfolding Narratives by Lynn Sondag |